Thought Leadership

Our focus lies in cultivating thought leadership for business leaders. Through innovative campaigns, we elevate the profiles of entrepreneurs, executives, and other influential figures. Our goal is to portray your achievements accurately, bolster your credibility and influence among key stakeholders, and position you to accomplish your personal and business goals effectively.

We specialize in conducting thought-leadership campaigns that strategically enhance the profiles of business leaders through positive, proactive, and creative means. Our expertise lies in identifying unique ideas that set you apart from the crowd. We transform these ideas into impactful content such as articles, videos, and podcasts. Through media coverage and targeted social media campaigns, we ensure the wide dissemination of this content.

If you’re interested in developing your profile as a business leader, we invite you to contact our team. We can arrange a no-obligation strategy call to discuss your specific needs and provide more insight into our approach.

Our thought leadership process follows a proven methodology to build impactful profiles. With over a decade of experience, we have successfully elevated the profiles of renowned entrepreneurs worldwide. Here's how we do it:
  1. Discover your unique idea: We identify the idea that holds the greatest potential to make a lasting impression on your target audience.
  2. Thought leadership content creation: We transform your idea into compelling articles, videos, and podcasts.
  3. Amplification: We maximize the reach of your content through media coverage, interviews, and strategic social media promotion.
  4. Set-piece activity: We enhance our campaigns with customized set-piece activities to further strengthen your profile.

Our comprehensive range of services includes positioning strategy, thought leadership strategy, LinkedIn strategy, video and podcast production, content writing, media engagement, interview pitching, thought leadership PR, social media and digital strategy, public speaker pitching, and event coordination.

Thought leadership offers several advantages:
  1. Establishing a public profile is vital for today’s professionals, meeting stakeholder expectations.
  2. A credible online presence, managed social media, engaging multimedia, and prominent media coverage are essential.
  3. It facilitates connecting with new customers, attracting top-tier investment, poaching talent, and fostering valuable relationships with partners and suppliers.
Our clients include a diverse range of professionals:
  1. Entrepreneurs: We help founders establish credibility and bring their innovative ideas to the market.
  2. CEOs: We support leaders in building confidence among their teams and investors to drive business growth.
  3. Senior Executives (CxOs): We assist senior executives in standing out from the competition and shaping the future of their companies.
  4. Boards: We provide support to boards in developing gravitas and distinguishing themselves among investors and stakeholders.


We collaborate with business leaders in various sectors, including technology, retail, mobile, B2B, HR, green initiatives, fintech, energy, and many more. Our expertise spans a wide range of industries and thought leadership areas.

Here are some examples of our successful case studies in press relations and thought leadership:

1. Start-up Founder (E-commerce):

We helped the founder of a rapidly-growing UK start-up establish themselves as an industry authority in e-commerce. Our achievements included launching a dedicated podcast, securing feature interviews in prestigious publications such as Forbes, Bloomberg, and TechCrunch, and arranging a speaking opportunity at SXSW.

2. Board Member (Manufacturing):

Our team worked with a board member from a NASDAQ-listed manufacturing company with 40,000 employees. We positioned them as a leader in international trade, resulting in the launch of a video series, feature interviews in prominent newspapers like The Sunday Times, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal, and the coordination of an event with the UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer.

3. CEO (Private Equity):

We collaborated with the CEO of a large private equity firm with $30 billion assets under management (AUM) to enhance their reputation in the cleantech sector. Our efforts involved launching a successful social media campaign, generating a following of over 50,000 individuals, securing feature interviews in respected publications like Sifted, Reuters, and The Guardian, and securing a speaking opportunity at Davos.

These examples demonstrate our expertise in leveraging various strategies to elevate the profiles of our clients and establish them as influential thought leaders in their respective industries.

Established in 2017, LaerryBlue Media  is a renowned communications agency, recognized for its exceptional work in reputation management for global achievers.

We hold an optimistic view that the business world’s entrepreneurs, innovators, and visionaries possess the transformative ideas necessary to tackle significant challenges faced by our planet.

We strive to provide a platform for these individuals to express their perspectives, lead change, and revolutionize their industries by deploying novel business models, questioning conventional practices, harnessing scientific advancements, and introducing groundbreaking technologies.

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